February 1988, St. John's became a parish incorporated in the State of New York and was admitted into the Union
of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island at the Diocesan Convention. Father Michel was subsequently elected rector. Under Father
Michel's rectorship several initiatives took place, Some of these were experimenting with a twinning relationships with
other Anglican churches in and out of the diocese such as Holy Trinity Church, Valley Stream and St. Augustine's in Trinidad;
the provision of support to African Team Ministries; adoption and support of a child in Uganda by our young people; the formation
of a local chapter of the Order of St. Luke Healing Ministry; Episcopal Church Women; Brotherhood of St. Andrew; Cursillo
and Girl, Boy and Cub Scout Troops.
On December 31, 1995, Father Michel retired, and St.
John's came under the pastoral care of Father Denzil Hinds as Interim Priest Father Hinds readied the parish for the coming
of a new rector in many ways. He helped the congregation to continue in its spiritual growth by maintaining mid week services
and the other active ministries. He oversaw the renovation and furnishing of the rector's office and the installation
of a new roof on the church.
In the summer of 1998, the search process came to a close,
with the selection by the Vestry and the approval of The Right Reverend Orris George Walker, Bishop of the Diocese of Long
Island, Rev. Gerald Shelton Collins was chosen as the candidate for second rector to St. John's. Father Collins celebrated
his first mass at St. John's on the first Sunday of November 1998, and celebrated his installation on February 6, 1999.
Under his guidance there have been many physical improvements to the building. The heating system was
converted from oil to gas, the electrical system upgraded and the organ was replaced. He reformatted the newsletter into a
news magazine entitled "The Eagle" - the symbol of St. John's. He introduced "Pilgrims on a Journey",
an adult Bible study group and conducted healing services during the week. In the summer we were introduced to new trial liturgies.
Under his leadership a youth community choir was formed. He was truly a visionary and an excellent preacher. On September
30, 2003, Father Collins left St. John's in answer to a call from St. Andrew's in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Since the first Sunday in October 2003, St. John's has been led in worship and spiritual guidance
by Father Jerrick F. Rayside.
Revised January 2008