Women's Ministry of St. John's

Focal Contacts:
Barbara Taylor (Co-Chair), Monica Harrison (Co-Chair), Roslyn Sealy (Co-Secretary), Cynthia Stephens (Treasurer),
Gwendolyn Cardoza (Co-Secretary)

Every woman who belongs to the Episcopal Church is a member of the ECW/Women's
Ministry. The purpose of this organization is to assist the women of the Episcopal Church to carry on Christ's work in
the world and to take their place in the life, governance and worship of the church. We participate for the spriritual growth,
fellowship, service, education, leadership training, and mission focus. Here at St. John's, we meet the second Sunday
of each month and usually sponsor the Women's Day Program and Luncheon. We usually sponsor one or two other fund raisers
during the year. The monies collected are used for the OUTREACH programs. We also oversee the collection of food for the Episcopal
Community Services, school supplies for the needy children, adopt-a-family at Christmas, send knitted sweaters to children
worldwide, hats and scarves to Seaman's Church Institute, and coordinate efforts for United Thank Offering. From time
to time we take on other projects. No special invitation is necessary.
Women's Ministry Eighth
Annual Luncheon

Women Ministry Honorees |
On March 14th, the Women's Ministry held its Eighth Annual Women's Day Celebration and Luncheon.
Honorees: Mrs. Uriel Adams, Mrs. Lottie Carney, Mrs. Mary Cox, Mrs. Edith Moore, Mrs. Iona Norville, Mrs.
Eleanor Robinson, Mrs. Roslyn Sealy, Mrs. Monica Waterman. Special thanks to all our supporters and attendees! CLICK HERE for More Pictures
Women's Ministry Ninth Annual

Women Ministry Honorees |
On March 13th, 2011 the ECW/Women's Ministry of St. John's honored the following ladies:
Mrs. Gwendolyn Cardoza, Earlene Sealy and Sharon Hunter. Special thanks to all our supporters and attendees! CLICK HERE for More Pictures

The Women's Ministry of St. John's Episcopal Church, Springfield Gardens, NY is committed to helping women
of all ages connect with each other as they pursue Jesus Christ. There are a variety of ways to become involved. Please contact
Monica Harrison or Barbara Taylor, both Co-Chairs of the St. John's Episcopal Church Women's Mininstry of St. John's
in Springfield Gardens, NY for more details, or visit this site for regular updates. We meet every 2nd Sunday on our church
premises at 137-67 Belknap Street, Springfield Gardens, NY 11413.