Lay Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers' Schedule of Service


L-R: Patricia Hamlet, Father Jerrick F. Rayside, Andrea Dacres,
Barbara Taylor, Gilford Cornelius, Joan Lee, Sybil Jeffrey, Dayo Corley
In the Anglican Church the term Eucharistic Minister is used to denote someone who assists the priest in administering
the bread and wine. Often this is in the form of the wine, but once licensed, a Eucharistic Minister is licensed to administer
in both kinds (namely both the bread and the wine). A further role of the Eucharistic Minister in the Anglican Church is for
them to administer home communion to the sick and housebound. The LEM leads the Prayers of the People and should be familiar
with the readings of the day in the event that the assigned Lay Reader is not present. The LEM should be knowledgeable about
the Book of Common Prayer. If no acolytes are present, the LEM may assume these responsibilities as well. Special licensing
is required to take communion to the sick and shut-ins. Fr. Jerick F. Rayside is in charge of the Lay Eucharistic Ministers.
Barbara Taylor prepares the schedules. Please see Fr. Jerrick F. Rayside, if you would like to be a Lay Eucharistic Minister.
From Top left to Right: Group Picture, Patricia
Hamlet, Joan Lee, Barbara Taylor, Sybil Jeffrey, Gilford Cornelius, Dayo Corley, Andrea Dacres,
Lay Readers

L-R: Phyllis White, Nicolette Cornelius, Eleanor Robinson,
Monica Leslie-Harrison, Edith Moore, Roslyn Sealy *Missing: Gilford Cornelius,
Cynthia Stephens, Marlyn Sawyer, Mavis Rayside, Uriel Adams
Lay Readers are Lay persons authorized to read parts of the worship service. They can be called upon to lead
some services such as Compline and Morning Prayer. Readers should be familiar with the assigned readings for the day and should
practice the lessons well before the service. Please see Fr. Jerrick F. Rayside, if you would like to be a Lay reader.
From Top left to Right: Group Picture, Nicolette
Cornelius, Roslyn Sealy, Eleanor Robinson, Mavis Rayside, Phyllis White, Edith Moore, Monica Harrison, Cynthia
Stephens, Gilford Cornelius, Marlyn Sawyer, Uriel Adams *Missing: Edwin Tanner, Harold Carney*,
To view the LATEST
Lay Readers and Eucharistic Ministers Schedules for 2012 please click the LINKS
November 2011 thru April 2012
Lay Readers & Lay Eucharistic Ministers' Rota Names and Instructions
Lay Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers' rota November 2011 - April 8, 2012 Part 1
Lay Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers' rota November 2011 - April 8, 2012 Part 2