
We are proud to be a part of the St. John's Episcopal Church Ministries. The
St. John's Health Ministry was established in October 2000. Our focus is providing health education, and helping the congregation
in maintaining a healthy life style. Activities include: - Regular blood pressure monitoring - Health questions answered -
Conducting Workshops - Links to Health Sites (coming soon).


Hello St. John's.
This is the flu season and influenza (flu) can
make you feel really lousy, and may lead to serious complications. Every year many people are hospitalized with the flu, and
more than 2,000 people in New York die from flu and flu-related diseases. (i.e. Pneumonia) Although you may get flu throughout
the year the actual flu season begins in September, about the time that the vaccine is available and continues until May.
The timing and duration of the flu season vary, with January being the peak season. Shots are now being given throughout the
year to the most vulnerable. This year's flu vaccine also protects us from swine flu (HINI).
may experience some or all of the following signs or symptom:
Cough Fever, chills
(You may have the flu and not have fever) Sore throat, runny or stuffy nose Headaches, body and muscle aches Vomiting and diarrhea Tiredness
(As a general rule)
* Children 6 months and older. * Pregnant women * People
5o yrs and older * Health care workers * People with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, kidney disease, Strokes,
Heart disease Sickle cell disease, asthma or any disease that may cause breathing problems, i.e. COPD. * People with
weakened immune system diseases as in HIV; Cancer. * People who live in long term health facilities, etc. Some Facts: Flu is a contagious lung disease caused by
the influenza viruses. It generally affects the nose, throat and lungs. The illness can be mild or severe, and may lead to
serious complications resulting in deaths at times. Some types of illness include ear infection, bacterial pneumonia, etc. The mode of infection is usually droplet, as in sneezing, coughing, yawning and talking. A person may
also get flu by touching a surface or object that has the flu virus on it and then touching the mouth, eyes, nose, etc. (This
occurs less often).

How is the flu passed on?
You may pass on the flu to someone even before you realize that you are sick as well as when you are sick.
So this can happen on day one before symptoms develop and up to a week or longer before becoming sick. HOW TO PREVENT SEASONAL FLU
* The Single
Best Way To Prevent The Flu Is To Get A Flu Shot Each Season. (Approx. 2 wks after the shot the body produces antibodies
that protect against the Flu virus infection. Remember that this seasonal vaccine is only protecting you against the 3 most
common viruses that researchers have isolated for the season. That is why, accord to research data the vaccine has a 59% effectiveness,
nasal spray 83%. We believe you would want to be part of these percentages. It is better than 0%. Again discuss the subject
with your healthcare provider). * Wash your hands often with warm water and soap, is so
important. Or use alcohol-based hand cleanser. * Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Use a tissue to
cough in or the inside of your elbow. * Avoid people who are sick or do not get too close. * Stay home from work
or school if you have a fever. * You may return to work or school if you are without fever for at least 24 hrs and have
not taking any medication to reduce fever within not time period.. * Drink plenty of fluids if you medical condition
permits this. * Ensure you get at least 8 hrs sleep per night. * Eat a well balanced diet and follow your exercise
routine. Wishing you good luck, health and God's Blessings throughout the season
Cynthia, Edith, Eutrice, Sybil and Monica. (Healthcare Ministry - St John's - Springfield Gardens. November 09th, 2011).
Diabetes Mellitus 2011 So
we know that Diabetes Mellitus is a medical condition characterized by hyperglycemia, (high blood sugar); resulting from the
body's inability to use blood glucose for energy. Remember that in Type 1 Diabetes the pancreas does not make Insulin,
therefore blood glucose cannot enter the cell to be used for energy. With Type 11 Diabetes, (the most common form), the pancreas
does not make enough Insulin or the body is incapable of using Insulin correctly. WHAT ARE THE RISK FACTORS? The fact is that not everyone with risk factors will develop
Diabetes. However, the chances of getting Type 11 Diabetes increase with: 1. Family (genetic) history. 2. Race - (Type 11 DM is more prevalent in Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, Native Americans). 3. Age - Chances of getting
Type 11 DM increase with age - people over 45 yrs. (Lately teens have been affected). 4. Obesity or being over weight 5. Hypertension 6. High Cholesterol 7. History of gestational diabetes or if your baby at birth is over 9 lbs. 8. Metabolic syndrome - Insulin resistance 9. Inactivity etc. Treatment
as per your healthcare provider may include: 1. Glucose testing 2. Medications (pills or injections
or combination) Exercise 3. Healthy eating habit (Make it a life style change. It is the calories and what you eat
that count). Goals for blood Glucose control as recommended by
the ADA include blood sugar ranges of: 1. 70 - 130 mg/dl before meals 2. Less than 180 mg/dl after
the meal 3. Less than 180 mg/dl at bedtime. 4. Next time we will discuss Hyper/Hypoglycemia and
Glycosylated hemoglobin.
Until then, Be healthy, God's speed. Cynthia, Sybil, Edith, Monica and Eutrice
Hi Everyone! It has been some time
now since we did a workshop on Diabetes. So lets do a quick review. What happens when we eat: When we eat, the foods
are digested and provide nourishments for our bodies to use. The most common nutrient of the food is Glucose/sugar, and
our main source of energy. During the digestive process, food leaves the stomach, enters the small intestines, then enters
the blood stream. As the level of sugar begins to rise and the body senses this, it sends a signal to the pancreas (the gland
/organ about the size of a hand, that makes insulin and produces enzymes for digestion) located at the lower part of the stomach. The insulin from the pancreas now enters the blood stream, lowers the level of the blood sugar by opening up the body cells
and allowing sugar to pass from the blood stream into the cells. The level of sugar in your blood falls as the sugar passes
in the cells. This sugar is what the body uses for energy. When you have diabetes the body does not get enough glucose
in the cells for energy. It builds up in your blood stream. If the blood sugar is high for a long time it can affect all organs.
Areas of the body that can be affected include: the heart, the brain, kidneys, eyes, lower extremities. sexual organs, and
digestive tract. This is a simplification of the process, but is worth knowing so that we can better understand the
types of Diabetes Mellitus, how to prevent and treat it. Be well and think about changing your eating habits for a better,
healthier life. Best regards, Cynthia, Edith, Monica and Sybil
stop or prevent the spread of infection the number one thing that we all should or must do is to WASH OUR HANDS.
do you wash your hands? Use soap and warm water.
1. Wet your hands thoroughly with warm water. 2. Add
soap, lather and scrub hands; back, in between fingers, nail for 20 seconds or longer. 3. Rinse for 10 seconds
or longer. 4. Dry hands with hand towel. 5. Turn off tap with the towel you used to dry hands, then discard. If
you have to make an exit via a door with knobs after washing your hands, use a paper towel to hold handle or use a sanitizer
after existing the door. OTHER HELPFUL ADVICE IS TO KEEP HANDS AWAY FROM MOUTH, NOSE AND EYES Other precautions:
Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when you cough or sneeze or Cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not
your hands. If you are required to wear a mask, please ensure you wear the correct mask, following instructions for use
and disposal Place used tissue in waste basket/garbage bins. NEXT, WE WILL SHARE "SOUND BITES" ON TAKING
Edith and Monica.
care? Because every year we hear of so many lives succumbing to this dreadful disease. It hits us hardest when it happens
to people we know and when we here of younger women being diagnosed with the disease, While white women have the highest
"incidence rate" for breast cancer, African Americans/Blacks are the most likely to die from the disease. Some
of the reasons given for this disparity are, the lack of medical coverage, barriers to early screening and detection, the
finding of a more aggressive form of tumor in younger blacks, unequal access to new and improved treatments and lack of education
about the disease. Because of the research that is going on we are sure that one day there will be a single method for
early detection of breast cancer. Until then, we will have to continue to be vigilant and use the methods that we have now
to detect breast cancer in the early stages, where the outcome is known to be more promising. Hopefully we can eradicate
breast cancer for all in this decade.
Here is our ounce of prevention: MAMMOGRAPHY (There is still some controversy
as to how often, at what age and its validity).
Despite all of that it is recommended that you have one every year,
beginning at age 40 years. Sooner if there is a family history. And please, please have this discussion about mammograms with
your health care provider. The risk of radiation is low and the procedure is less uncomfortable with the newer mammogram
machines. BREAST SELF-EXAM 1. Breast self exam should be done every month, preferable 2 or 3 days after the end
of your period when the breast is likely to be less tender or swollen. Breast exam every month also allows you to be more
familiar with the appearance and feel of the breasts. If you no longer have a period then chose the same day every month
to remind you that it is time to do the breast exam. What to look for: Lumps - Dimpling or puckering of the
skin Discharge from the nipple Asymmetry - Is there a difference is size or shape of breast. HOW TO DO BREAST
EXAM - Must be done standing in front on a mirror and while lying flat on your back. 1. Stand before a mirror with hands
by your side. Inspect both breasts for anything unusual such as; dimpling, puckering, or scaling of the skin. 2. Still
standing in front of the mirror, clasp you hands behind your head and press your hands forward and inspect as above. 3.
Now place your hands firmly on your hips and bow slightly toward your mirror as you pull your shoulders and elbows forward. 4.
Raise your left arm. Use 3 or 4 fingers of your right hand to explore your left breast firmly, thoroughly and carefully. Begin at the outer edge, pressing the flat part of your fingers in small circles, moving the circles slowly around the breast.
Gradually work toward the nipple, covering the entire breast. Be sure to include the area between the breast and the underarm.
You are looking under the arm for lumps or a mass under the skin. ( This is where the lymph nodes are and they are important
in the staging diagnosis of breast cancer). 5. Squeeze the nipple and look for discharge. (If there is a discharge consult
with you health care provider). Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the right breast. 6. Now lie flat on your back with your left
arm over your head and a pillow or folded towel under your shoulder. (This positions helps to flatten your back, making it
easier to do the exam. Use the same circular motion in step 4 with both left and right breasts. REMEMBER IF YOU HAVE
luck. Be well. Until next time. Cynthia, Sybil, Eutrice, Edith and Monica.
Diabetes Mellitus 2011 *NEW* So we know
that Diabetes Mellitus is a medical condition characterized by hyperglycemia , (high blood sugar); resulting from the body's
inability to use blood glucose for energy. Remember that in Type 1 Diabetes the pancreas does not make Insulin, therefore
blood glucose cannot enter the cell to be used for energy. With Type 11 Diabetes, (the most common form), the pancreas
does not make enough Insulin or the body is incapable of using Insulin correctly.
Please CLICK on link below to veiw latest file on Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus 2011 New Data
St. John's Episcopal Church would like to thank the members of our Health Ministry and other members of our
congregation who acted swiftly and courageously in assisting one of our brothers on Sunday, December 19th in his time
of need. THANK YOU all very much and we wish our brother a speedy recovery! GOD BLESS!

On this page we will provide links to various resources. We may include
topics and articles that will further educate you on important health issues, or provide a little entertainment.